Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A Library's Worth

Excellent quotes from the Cincinnati Enquirer via
Nice Cincinnati Enquirer Article via Stephen's Lighthouse by stephen on 6/9/09

What libraries are worth to us by Kara Swisher
My favourite quotes:

"It is needlessly provocative and shamelessly antagonistic behavior to pit books against technology. No one should ever do this. They are both sources of information. They are entirely different species, never meant to compete with each other."

"In lean times and fat times alike, the public library is the one place where it's always OK to overindulge."

"This atmosphere is in no way accidental. Librarians are almost eerily aware of what goes on inside your head. They know your tastes better than you do, being trained to cut through your vague references to plot or author and put their hands on what you need."

Cool. And a great way for Cincinnati PL to promote their high growth in usage.

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