Sunday, April 5, 2009

Trendwatching - April 2009

April 2009 SELLSUMERS via by on 4/1/09

"It shouldn't be too hard to come up with at least one SELLSUMER service in the next few days: just go through the examples above with your colleagues and figure out how your brand can facilitate existing or aspiring SELLSUMERS."

...hmmm...what can your library offer SELLSUMERS? Business plans? How-To craft stuff? Gardening information? How do you promote it?

"The reward? Customers will be pleasantly surprised that just for once, you aren't trying to extract money from them, but actually helping them make some. And let there be no doubt that anything you do during these tough times will not be forgotten."

Libraries are both Green and places that need to be remembered by consumers in these times. How do you promote this?

"A recession-induced need for cash, and an ever-growing infrastructure enabling individuals to act as (part-time) entrepreneurs, are fueling concepts that help ordinary consumers make money instead of just spending it. "

Sellsumers defined: "SELLSUMERS: Whether it’s selling their insights to corporations, hawking their creative output to fellow consumers, or renting out unused assets, consumers will increasingly become SELLSUMERS, too. Made possible by the online revolution’s great democratization of demand and supply, and further fueled by a global recession that leaves consumers strapped for cash, the SELLSUMERS phenomenon is yet another manifestation of the mega-trend that is 'consumer participation'.'

"Parking Spots \" connects those who have parking spots to rent out with those who need them on a monthly basis. "

Storage "Los Angeles-based Homstie offers listings for excess storage space, collecting fees for featured listings and for providing custom lease agreements. Also check out Store at My House"

Gift cards GiftCardRescue is a service that allows users to exchange their unwanted gift cards.

Jewelry Red Swan offers money in exchange for unwanted jewelry. For similar concepts, check out Ex-Boyfriend Jewelry and My Gold Party.

Gardening Based around the concept of cooperative gardening, Veggie Trader is an online marketplace offering the opportunity to buy, sell or trade homegrown produce. (This probably is a better use of time than Leave A Zucchini On Your Neighbor's Front Porch Day)

SELLSUMER-posterchild Etsy now boasts 200,000 SELLSUMERS and over 3 million products.

Much publicized Ponoko allows SELLSUMERS to make and sell everything from jewelry to furniture.

Magpie now inserts adverts into SELLSUMERS' Twitter feeds. "

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