Saturday, April 3, 2010

PLA and Reader's Advisory

Preconference Program—Opening Doors, Opening Books: Providing Effective Readers’ Advisory Service
via The PLA Blog by pdc_itisme on 3/23/10

"Web 2.0 forces Librarians to trust the reader. With effective readers advisory we must seta side our preconcieved ideas of what we like and find what the reader is seeking. The reader is also forced to trust us to provide materials they will like based on previous reading habits, likes and dislikes and genre preference.

No longer are we forced to see only what people in our Libraries like or what other Librarians say people like. We can see what people are saying on both commercial book vendor websites (in terms of product reviews) but also on social networking sites. There seems to be a decline in print review sources, so we need to be aware of what our audience is saying"

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