Monday, April 5, 2010

The Trends Keep Coming

They've said it before and they'll say it again - at least through 12/31/11.  This is the time when mobile will take over the world.  Most areas of the world, even areas we used to think of as "third countries," use mobile much more than we do in the US.  Here is some buzz to be familiar with:

Bluetooth (3 and 4):  Bluetooth devices will be faster and be more energy-efficient.

The Mobile Web:  Smartphone, Blackberry, Droid and all the competitors.  "85 percent of handsets shipped globally will include some form of browser for using the internet. In mature markets, such as Western Europe and Japan, approximately 60 percent of handsets shipped will be smartphones using browsers.  More smartphones will have relatively large and high-resolution screens, encouraging greater numbers of people to access conventional websites on mobile devices."

Mobile Widgets:  Web applications (apps) that run on the smartphone's homescreen.  If you think we have apps now, it looks like a lot more are coming.  And they will be easier to design.

Platform-Independent Mobile AD Tools:  What?  We here at Libraryland Roundup confess that this one is beyond us.  It looks like (AD) is for Application Development (AD). 

App Stores:  App stores will be the primary (and, in some cases, the only) way to distribute applications to smartphones and other mobile devices.  Once again, Libraryland Roundup is a bit behind on this.  App stores already exist.  Perhaps there is a larger "hackers" crowd out there than we know of.

Enhanced Location Awareness:  By the end of 2011, over 75 percent of devices shipped in mature markets will include a GPS.

Cellular Broadband:  Bigger, stronger than ever before

Touchscreens: These will be the dominant user interface for handsets and will be included in over 60 percent of mobile devices shipped in Western Europe and North America in 2011.

M2M: Yes, more and more mobile devices will be talking to each other

Device-Independent Security: Use of mobile will be more secure.

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