Thursday, November 19, 2009

Genre Talk

Genre Crosses the Line - Starts to be as "Acceptable" as Literary Fiction
Genre Wars via The Reader's Advisor Online Blog by Cindy Orr on 11/4/09

Street Lit
Still Hot! Here are some new titles and even some new authors to know about:
The Word on Street Lit via Library Journal - Genre Fiction on 11/19/09

On Beyond Vampires!

The Next `Twilight' via Book Beast - The Daily Beast on 11/19/09
From fallen angels to zombies, publishers and movie producers are on the hunt for the next big young adult series that will dominate the market. The Daily Beast's Shannon Donnelly on the top six candidates.

What Comes Beyond Vampires and Zombies? Postapocalypse

Talking Tech Friday – Zombies! via MCLC Library Tech Talk by Anali on 10/30/09
Lots of talk about this being a coming trend. These are fun links to Zombie lore.

Under the Radar: Something to Howl About: Books about Werewolves via The Reader's Advisor Online Blog by Cindy Orr on 11/15/09

Monday, November 2, 2009

How people are using new communications technology

Yes! We here at libraryland roundup are on a roll with the tech.

The October report was the bomb
Internet Librarian Conference was last week.

So, let's look at some stuff that will give you an even more ideas for new communication use in libraries and why it's important.

How Moms Use Their iPhones
via Stephen's Lighthouse by stephen on 10/30/09
Finally, some market research libraries can really use!

How do you get in touch with that mom for story hours or pajama and teddy bear nights? How about the mom who just dropped off Elroy with his homework while shuffling Judy to dance lessons and Astro to the vet?

PNS on an ipod/iphone using Prowl
via Tame The Web by Michael on 10/29/09
How about making a Patron Notification System (PNS) Application for i-phone?

Library 101

Library 101 – New Video, Song, and Resource has Launched!
via David Lee King by David Lee King on 10/29/09

101 Resources & Things to Know (RTK)
(Some of these items do apply to only tech. Most apply to reference providers and include everything from rss to time management)

OK, it's upon us. It's time to leave denial and head toward acceptance and usage. There are things we need to know about. There are things we need to practice doing. And, yes, this is important for public library reference providers. See my previous posts about why you need rss for a start.


Going for memory and paraphrasing, In a presentation to the Canadian Library Association, Stephen Abrams
The battle for search is over. Google has won...What libraries are good at, where they shine, is building community.

That is not to say that the physical or remote visit to the library will go away. Search is still important, too. The visit to a library, in-house or remote, will remain important to customers. In-person or remote visits to the library are important to customers for getting information and building community.

What we do need to become familiar with is the new ways of communication libraries and reference providers will use. What customers will expect.

These new communication methods are what builds community. It's what recommends that resource or book to the customer. It's what promotes promotes programs and exhibits. It tells our story to the community. It builds community

Michael Stephens' presentation, The Hyperlinked Library, talks about how we tell our story to the community. It explains why it's important to tell our story. It tells us why it's important to use new technology to build community

If you have not already, please also read the previous 7 "Shift Again!" posts. You will begin to understand the urgency of this for libraries.