A roundup of items of interest to collection managers, reference providers, reader's advisors, the technically inclined, and other denizens of libraryland. Disclaimer: We do not receive products, renumeration, honorarium, or any type of monetary or in-kind support for this blog. It's all Librarylandroundup opinions and links to cool library stuff
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
What is a mobile website? What are apps?
Remember, by 2020, it is estimated most internet resources will be accessed via mobile device. I predict it will be sooner. Countries outside the United States are using mobile technology much more than Americans. Expect Americans to catch up quickly.
Wherever you are, customers are adapting to and using new access technology at an astounding rate. They will be asking and expecting these technologies very quickly. We would do well to learn about this so we're not caught in the awkward situation of not knowing what the customer is talking about.
What are mobile devices?
This generally refers to smartphones like iphone, blackberry, and, newest to the herd, droid. Our IT department is awash in iphone and droid usage. And boy have I learned from them!
Is our website being used by mobile users?
You bet! Many times in the past few weeks, I have encountered customers who have their book information on their mobile device and ready to show me at the desk.
What is a mobile website?
A website is designed to be used and viewed on a full-sized or netbook computer. It is easy to read and use. On a mobile device, this is not the case.
The website needs to morph into a mobile application. Tasks are broken down and more easily used via mobile. If I understand correctly, by going to the mobile site, the user will have options about what tasks he or she would like to perform. Instead of using a mouse to select options, customers will use mobile-friendly ways to select.
Will we still have a regular website? Yes
Will we still have a regular website accessible via mobile? Yes
Will everything on the website be available via mobile? Not yet, but you never know about the future.
Remember, in technology, new developments are never "either/or" it is always "and."
Paying fines via the mobile website
Renewing books via the mobile website
Apps are kind of like using a mobile website - except you do not have to go to the website! Some apps are free, others you must pay for
Examples of cool apps
Walk into Barnes and Noble and download their app. Take a picture of the book you are interested in and the app will check to see if the book is also available in e-book format. Want e-book format? Click to pay and then click to download.
Shopsavvy, an Android app, allows the user to scan almost any barcode using the phone’s camera, and it will then search over 20,000 online and local retailers to find the best price. Once the best deal has been found, users can either purchase online, or use the phone’s built-in Google Maps feature to find their way to the store.
What about the "squint" factor?
Mobile screens are still small and will not be a good choice for many aspiring users. On some mobile devices, there is still the problem of the backlighting being hard on the eyes. The good news is that the iphones are able to enlarge print without cutting off one side of the page. You will have to flip pages more frequently, but it's a start.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
At Large - Bits and Pieces
via USATODAY.com Books - Top Stories on 11/30/09
A cringe-inducing passage which compares a sexual encounter to battle with an one-eyed mythological monster was awarded Britain's
Dictionary Picks 'Unfriend' As Word Of The Year
via NPR Topics: Arts & Life on 11/17/09
Thanks Facebook!
hey the library made The Onion in a supporting role
via librarian.net by jessamyn on 11/5/09 Protagonist Scrolls Intensely Through Microfilm.
Just doing my job, ma'm
via Feel-good Librarian by Feel-good Librarian on 12/1/09
Feel-good Librarian returns!
Tweet for Readers Advisory
via All About Romance's News & Commentary Blog by AAR Lynn on 11/5/09
Oh, to have the resources and time to respond to twitter comments with a recommendation!
This confession will probably give some of you a heart attack, but I haven’t read any of Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series. I know, I know. It’s like I’ve been living under a rock buried 3 miles below the surface of the Earth. But lately I’ve been thinking about giving the first book a try. So I sent out a half-joking tweet on the subject. To my surprise, I received a personal response from my local library letting me know that Outlander is available for checkout, should I so desire. Now granted, I’m kind of a dork, but I thought this was really cool. So cool, in fact, that I decided to explore more of the digital/virtual features my local library offers, and get the perspective of the Sacramento Public Library’s Digital Services Librarian Megan Wong on the subject of libraries in the digital age
Collection Management and e-books
The Shame List via The Reader's Advisor Online Blog by Cindy Orr on 11/11/09
On Shelf-Awareness, one of my favorite blogs, Robert Gray recently discussed what he calls “The Shame List.” He got the idea from a panel at the Great Lakes Booksellers Association Conference where one of the panelists said, “Backlist used to be defined by publishers. Now backlist is much more what you define backlist to be for yourself. Special offers aside, backlist is the books you want to have most of the time.”
This blog is aimed at bookstores, but could be applied to libraries as well. Here’s the basic question:
“Which books would you be terribly embarrassed not to own?”
Professional/Scholarly ebooks account for more than 3 times the rest of the US ebook market combined
via No Shelf Required by spolanka on 11/25/09 From anecdotal accounts, it still appears romance readers appear to be the most vocal ebook readers.
E-Resources: Updates and Time Mangement
New Technologies That Save Time & Money
via Librarian in Black Blog – Sarah Houghton-Jan by Sarah on 11/24/09
Even includes a schedule-making program to check out!
Wikipedia Losing Editors
via Stephen's Lighthouse by stephen on 11/23/09
Digital and Tech Forecasts and Reassurance
New mobile interfaces for EBSCO & Summon (Serial Solutions)
via Librarian in Black Blog – Sarah Houghton-Jan by Sarah on 11/5/09
Does Technology Make You Anti-Social?
via Stephen's Lighthouse by stephen on 11/20/09
AHA! Just as I suspected! Tech Geek Myth Busted: Top Ten Ways Technology Boosts Your Social Life
New technologies actually increase our social interactions, not our isolation, the Pew Internet and American Life Project found...
10. There’s been no significant jump in the number of truly isolated Americans.
9. Web users are more likely to seek counsel outside their own family.
8. Many 18-22-year-olds use social networking to keep in contact with nearly all of their key contacts.
7. Internet users like clubs.
6. Technology users have more “core” friends in their discussion networks.
5. Web users leave their rooms.
4. Cell phone and web users make better neighbors.
3. Technology users seek conversation outside their marriage.
2. Sharing those family vacation photos online might make you more politically open minded.
1. Bloggers have more racially diverse friends.
Top Digital Trends For 2010
via iLibrarian by Ellyssa on 12/5/09
It’s that time of year again - let the forecasting begin! Nuri Djavit and Paul Newnes of Digital Media Buzz predict the Top Digital Trends For 2010.
Be sure and check out the full article for the discussions of their predicted trends:
Facebook replaces personal email
Open source software starts making money (thanks to the cloud)
Mobile commerce - The promise that has never delivered, yet
Fewer registrations — one sign-in fits all
Disruption vs. continuity - alternatives to the “big idea”
The continuing evolution of Web-driven, open source DIY culture
Crowd sourcing
More Flash, not less
The Top 10 Mobile Applications of 2012
via iLibrarian by Ellyssa on 11/21/09
Sarah Perez at ReadWriteWeb discusses the recent Gartner list which identifies the top 10 consumer mobile applications for 2012. The list covers many mobile technologies which are already available, however mainstream adoption has not yet been reached. Here’s the list of technologies and services which are predicted to be emerging for 2012:
Money Transfer
Location-Based Services
Mobile Search
Mobile Browsing
Mobile Health Monitoring
Mobile Payments
Near Field Communications (NFC)
Mobile Advertising
Mobile Instant Messaging
Mobile Music
Genre Talk - Update!
Genre Talk
Genre Crosses the Line - Starts to be as "Acceptable" as Literary FictionGenre Wars via The Reader's Advisor Online Blog by Cindy Orr on 11/4/09
Street LitStill Hot! Here are some new titles and even some new authors to know about: The Word on Street Lit via Library Journal - Genre Fiction on 11/19/09
On Beyond Vampires!
The Next `Twilight' via Book Beast - The Daily Beast on 11/19/09From fallen angels to zombies, publishers and movie producers are on the hunt for the next big young adult series that will dominate the market. The Daily Beast's Shannon Donnelly on the top six candidates.
Talking Tech Friday – Zombies! via MCLC Library Tech Talk by Anali on 10/30/09Lots of talk about this being a coming trend. These are fun links to Zombie lore.
Under the Radar: Something to Howl About: Books about Werewolves via The Reader's Advisor Online Blog by Cindy Orr on 11/15/09
What Comes Beyond Vampires and Zombies? Postapocalypse
Postapocalyptic Fiction via Library Journal - Genre Fiction on 11/14/09
The 2012 Countdown
via RT Book Reviews by RT Book Reviews on 11/20/09
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Genre Talk
Genre Wars via The Reader's Advisor Online Blog by Cindy Orr on 11/4/09
Street Lit
Still Hot! Here are some new titles and even some new authors to know about:
The Word on Street Lit via Library Journal - Genre Fiction on 11/19/09
On Beyond Vampires!
The Next `Twilight' via Book Beast - The Daily Beast on 11/19/09
From fallen angels to zombies, publishers and movie producers are on the hunt for the next big young adult series that will dominate the market. The Daily Beast's Shannon Donnelly on the top six candidates.
What Comes Beyond Vampires and Zombies? Postapocalypse
Talking Tech Friday – Zombies! via MCLC Library Tech Talk by Anali on 10/30/09
Lots of talk about this being a coming trend. These are fun links to Zombie lore.
Under the Radar: Something to Howl About: Books about Werewolves via The Reader's Advisor Online Blog by Cindy Orr on 11/15/09
Monday, November 2, 2009
How people are using new communications technology
The October Trendwatching.com report was the bomb
Internet Librarian Conference was last week.
So, let's look at some stuff that will give you an even more ideas for new communication use in libraries and why it's important.
How Moms Use Their iPhones
via Stephen's Lighthouse by stephen on 10/30/09
Finally, some market research libraries can really use!
How do you get in touch with that mom for story hours or pajama and teddy bear nights? How about the mom who just dropped off Elroy with his homework while shuffling Judy to dance lessons and Astro to the vet?
PNS on an ipod/iphone using Prowl
via Tame The Web by Michael on 10/29/09
How about making a Patron Notification System (PNS) Application for i-phone?
Library 101
via David Lee King by David Lee King on 10/29/09
101 Resources & Things to Know (RTK)
(Some of these items do apply to only tech. Most apply to reference providers and include everything from rss to time management)
OK, it's upon us. It's time to leave denial and head toward acceptance and usage. There are things we need to know about. There are things we need to practice doing. And, yes, this is important for public library reference providers. See my previous posts about why you need rss for a start.
Going for memory and paraphrasing, In a presentation to the Canadian Library Association, Stephen Abrams
The battle for search is over. Google has won...What libraries are good at, where they shine, is building community.
That is not to say that the physical or remote visit to the library will go away. Search is still important, too. The visit to a library, in-house or remote, will remain important to customers. In-person or remote visits to the library are important to customers for getting information and building community.
What we do need to become familiar with is the new ways of communication libraries and reference providers will use. What customers will expect.
These new communication methods are what builds community. It's what recommends that resource or book to the customer. It's what promotes promotes programs and exhibits. It tells our story to the community. It builds community
Michael Stephens' presentation, The Hyperlinked Library, talks about how we tell our story to the community. It explains why it's important to tell our story. It tells us why it's important to use new technology to build community
If you have not already, please also read the previous 7 "Shift Again!" posts. You will begin to understand the urgency of this for libraries.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Shift Again! Libraries and the Near Future - VII
Review (R)Evolution
What current services do we have that encourage customers to review services and materials? How are they sharing these review services and materials. What vehicles do we use that allow customers to easily find and participate in these discussions? How do we use "Right Now" review sources to solicit and receive feedback. How do we respond to feedback? What services, especially mobile, can we use to get into the review and opinion conversations? How are we finding these opinions and reviews?
We have many traditional experiences that are successful, valued, and fit the criteria. Some of them are evolving quickly.
- In-house feedback forms
- Remote ways to share feedback via the homepage.
- Libraries do respond to feedback forms and virtual opinions if contact information is supplied. They may respond on paper or by email.
- Libraries have always followed current trends, whether by traditional paper reports or watching for current thoughts in the great number of media access points.
- In-House and remote book clubs, even if it just a link to non-library online book clubs, are popular. This, allows customers to give opinions and review books; to participate in a valued "owned" experience.
- These book clubs also allow the customer to find information from others, allowing them to make purchase or reserve decision. Whether to "own" or "not own" the experience of the material.
- Some libraries are giving the customer the ability to share their favorite items on the homepage.
- Libraries are participating in Amazon's willingness share customer reviews to add to your display.
- Review journals also are willing to share their professional reviews to add to your display
What other opportunities can we provide customers to review and give opinions about our library and its services. How can we make it easy for customers to join this conversation? How will we increase our ability to do this real-time? How can we increase our ability to give feedback real-time? What can we do to add to the greater conversation?
- Are we using new websites like Collecta, TwitterSearch, and Trendsmap to discover current dominant thoughts, opinions, and reviews?
- Are we checking these services multiple times each day and responding?
- Are we using these services as opportunities to tie into a dominant thought and provide real-time feedback or "push" library services, materials, and E-Collections addressing that thought?
- Are we using Facebook, Twitter, or other vehicles to promote services, events, and materials?
- How create abundant opportunities for customers to participate in the greater conversation?
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Shift Again! Libraries in the Near Future - VI
And, as importantly, what current services fit right into the trends?
Yes, there are barriers, politically, economically, and technically. Why not take a trip into the land of "what if?" If we have learned one thing from Science Fiction, it's that the "what if" can become the "we have" very quickly.
What current services that fit the trend of "trying out new things" and "escaping commitment and obligations?" Services that are "owned" or "not owned?"
We have many traditional experiences that are successful, valued, and fit the criteria:
- Storytime
- Public Access Internet
- Programs for all ages
- The ability to preview a book or magazine before deciding to commit to a purchase
- The ability to read a book or magazine without committing to a purchase
- A physical place that the user does not have to "own" completely. Although libraries do come out of their tax dollar, the "ownership" is transparent to the user.
- Storytimes via Youtube so the user does not have to "own" the physical experience?
- Does the remote catalog provide the thrill of discovery or is it frustrating and clumsy?
- Is your remote experience as easy to use as an online bookstore?
Hypertasking as Time Management
How are we convenient? How can our customers save time in finding and using library materials and services? Are we convenient enough that users will commit or "own" the experience of using our in-house or remote services? How do we leverage our services and materials so their value trumps the customer's preference to "spend money to save time?"
We have many traditional and newer experiences that are successful, valued, and fit the criteria:
- Physical locations near retail centers and schools where the customer will be anyway
- We attempt to give the customer "instant attention" without an appointment. Instant may not be always possible, but it is our goal. We have experience dealing with customer frustration with not receiving instant attention, so we do have coping mechanisms for when we must fail in that area
- Ask any library user - using the library is a money-saving activity. Whatcom County Library even has a Library Savings Calculator
- We offer on-line reserves, card registration, and fine payment for convenience and "non-ownership" of a separate library trip.
- Many libraries have real-time staff available to answer questions from remote users, either by phone, email, instant messaging, or all of the above.
- We alert the user when a hold comes in
What other conveniences might we want to investigate that would help the user either save money, or decide that coming to the library, in-person or remotely, is better than saving time by spending money to get what they need?
- Do we have rss alerts that would allow the customer to receive a notification when items about a pre-determined topic and format are available for either reserve or pickup?
- Do we then have a way for the customer to instantly reserve a copy of the item without entering long library card numbers, pins, and names?
- Are we alerting users that materials are due and instantly allow them to renew?
- Do we also have a website that works mobily? An app to make the service work seamlessly?
- Can we seamlessly deliver materials electronically or physically to their home or mobile device in the fastest way possible?
Shift Again! Libraries in the Near Future - V
As a reminder, our typical in-person services are still valued by the consumer. They may approach us through different media or traditionally, but the experience is still valued.
Also, a trend is never an "either/or" a trend is always an "and." Eventually all things run their course. Trends are new things to be aware of and possibly pursue. They never replace the previous model immediately.
Much of this post will be mcsnippets from http://www.trendwatching.com/ and its recent free reports.
“Consumers’ ingrained* lust for instant gratification is being satisfied by a host of novel, important (offline and online) real-time products, services and experiences. Consumers are also feverishly contributing to the real-time content avalanche that’s building as we speak. As a result, expect your brand and company to have no choice but to finally mirror and join the ‘now’, in all its splendid chaos, realness and excitement.”
In an age of abundance, with a reduced need for non-stop securing of the basics, and physical goods so plentiful (and/or ecologically harmful) that the status derived from them is sometimes close to nil, only consumption of the experience* and thus the now, the thrill, remains.
In fact, many ‘fixed’ items run the risk of becoming synonymous with boredom, hassle (Maintenance! Theft! Going out of style! Repairs!), eco-unfriendliness, and sinking a large part of one’s budget into one object (which impedes spending on multiple experiences)."
"It’s about detachment, fractional ownership or no ownership at all, trying out new things, escaping commitment and obligations, dropping formality, and of course collecting endless new experiences.
This is not to say that in-person "owned" experiences are devalued. The travel industry has not been greatly impacted by the virtual "not owned" experience"
"...how more activities are being crammed into ever diminishing timeframes, how convenience is king, how products and services are literally becoming smaller or more fragmented so budget conscious and/or time-poor consumers can collect as many different experiences as possible
"The Checkout" report found that 28 percent of June 2009 shoppers describe themselves as "preferring to spend more if it saves them time." This was up from 23 percent in May. Additionally, the number of customers (28 percent) who responded that "saving money by shopping around" was their top preference fell from 33 percent the month prior. (Source: M/A/R/C Research and Integer, August 2009.)
More than 30 percent of the people who visit a business for service expect instant attention - in some cases even if they do not have an appointment. (Source: Beagle Research Group, August 2009.) "
Instant attention? Libraries have experienced this since day one!
"Called "Nowism on Steroids." Twitter is the poster child for this trend. Witness: Total number of tweets, in real-time . Find the current dominant virtual thought at Collecta.com. Watch a trending topic take over your city, country, or the world at Trendsmap (still definitely in beta).
Not surprising to librarians, people are most likely to ask family and friends for information before coming to the library.
"Recommendations by personal acquaintances and opinions posted by consumers online are the most trusted forms of advertising globally. The Nielsen survey shows that 90% of online consumers worldwide trust recommendations from people they know, while 70% trust consumer opinions posted online.
There are many more research studies, findings, dissertations, and so on that confirm the same fact: reviewing is the new advertising. "
It's all about the mobile apps. here are some examples
"Shopsavvy, an Android app, allows the user to scan almost any barcode using the phone’s camera, and it will then search over 20,000 online and local retailers to find the best price. Once the best deal has been found, users can either purchase online, or use the phone’s built-in Google Maps feature to find their way to the store." Or, presumably, download the book to your mobile device"
"Californian SnapTell says half a million iPhone and Android users have downloaded its application (which, unlike Shopsavvy, allows users to photograph a product using cameras in their handsets, and then upload it to the website for reviews, recommendations and best prices), resulting in more than 1.5 million image queries so far. More than one in three buyers click through to an online retailer, earning SnapTell commissions. "
"The NOWISM trend is as big as they come, and we had serious challenges not letting this briefing balloon into dozens and dozens of pages.
The bottom line: while the appeal and influence of ‘now’ has been building for years, societal attitudes, sky-high consumer expectations and new technologies are currently converging in such a powerful way that brands truly have no choice but to go ‘real-time’: in their business intelligence processes, in their customer conversations, in their innovation labs, in their distribution, sales, marketing and branding departments...
The many examples above (from new ways to monitor the arena to how to engage customers to clever new products and services catering to infolusty, instant-gratification loving consumers), should provide you with enough ammunition."
What we have here is the tip of the iceberg. If Trendwatching had trouble narrowing it down to a few pages, you can imagine the trouble we had.
NEXT: How does this affect libraries?
Monday, October 19, 2009
Shift Again! Libraries in the Near Future - IV
In the beginning was the Card Catalog. And it was good. And then that day passed.
Then there was the text-based Catalog. And it was tough going but then it was good. And then that day passed.
Next there were CD-based indexes. And there was a learning curve and there was much annoyance with technology. And, for a brief moment, it was good. And then that hour passed
Soon, the GUI interface arrived and libraries adapted quickly, despite a high learning curve and sheer terror on the part of libraries. And it was good. And it slowly improved.
Then became WWW access to indexes and subscription databases. And there was much excitement and a learning curve for both vendors and libraries and customers. And, while many customers still struggle, it is pretty good. And access is improving.
Soon there was remote access to subscription databases. And there were connectivity problems and there was exitement throughout the land. And while there will always be connectivity issues here and there. It is good.
Ten minutes later, libraries began to send newsletters and other information via snail-mail and email. There also began phone notifications and renewals. And it is good and rejoicing was heard throughout the land by both customers and staff. And it is good
Five minutes later, libraries began responding to email queries from customers. And methods evolved. And some libraries had the ability to have a librarian on hand to answer queries immediately. And it continues to morph. And it is very good, indeed.
In the blink of an eye, libraries created newsfeeds using rss. Newsfeeds that featured library blogs, alerts when a new book came in from a selected newsfeed, and other things. And it remains good.
Seconds later, the web changed and social media became a customer need. And libraries created MySpace and Facebook interfaces to promote library services. And it is good.
Simultaneously, library services that were previously in-house only became available via homepages. Account access, online registration and fine payment, reserves, and other services. And it is good.
Then, embracing social media, libraries added twitter alerts for events and other promotions. And it is good.
And now, no resting. Targeting the current dominant thought in social media and pushing out services that enrich that conversation are developing. And that will be interesting, indeed.
And tools exist for determining that current dominant thought, even locally:
Twitter Search
And many more.
See the October Trendwatching for more ways to target current dominant thoughts
And still, in-person services and library physical locations and other traditional library services remain valued. And That is Very, Very, Very good.
Shift Again! Libraries in the Near Future - III
Some people have suggested we are already heading toward Internet 3.0. It's possible they are correct. We all know that the internet will change. It has from the beginning. Here are a few things we know are in the works or are still valued.
E-Book Readers
Dead already? Not quite. On their way out? Quite probably. There are already apps on the iphone that will allow a consumer to find an ebook on Amazon and download it. These devices are bypassing the single-purpose e-reader. Zoom functions allow the reader to enlarge type without losing a sentence. Eye-fatigue from older devices is being is fading away with new technology.
And consider this twitter-quote from a librarian in Gilbert, AZ:
vickinovak Vicki Novak Phoenix, AZ Following
The holy grail of e-book readers would be one that is compatible with library downloads, along with wireless purchases of books/periodicals. 10:20 AM Oct 9th
Further, Roy Tennant quotes a New York Times article that points out current e-book reader limitations and what the future will be for these devices
- A recent report from Forrester Research suggests most consumers will buy a digital reading device only when they cost less than $100. One way this could ultimately happen is if wireless providers like Verizon subsidize the devices and sell them in their stores, as they do with the inexpensive laptops called netbooks.
- The general public (that is, "savvy consumers") doesn't want to shell out $3-500 for a single-purpose device and then have to buy content for it in addition to that upfront cost. Either lower the price significantly (not my preferred solution) or create a device on which we can do all kinds of other things in addition to reading (bingo!), and you'll be much more likely to capture my dollars, and the dollars of many other savvy consumers.
- Consider Amazon's Android app. How can this be adapted to libraries?
- Will the current barriers with library contracts be changed to allow access to Overdrive and our subscription databases this easily?
- Many libraries are looking at Summons from Serial Solutions. Will there be an app? Not just a mobile website, but an app?
- How will your library prepare?
- How will your vendors prepare?
- Our in-person contacts with customers will continue to be valued and used. How will we educate ourselves to encourage customers to use all methods available according to the customer's technology demands, comfort with technology, and economic circumstances?
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Shift Again! Libraries and the Near Future - II
In spite of every technology change we have had since the first communications were chiseled into stone, talking, hearing, and seeing will remain the first line of use for humans. They existed first. Long before reading, typing, and searching. They will not change.
Face to face contact and a physical community is still valued and will remain valued by customers in the near future. There is still a strong need for in-person reference services, circulation help, community gathering places, and privacy.
Current event notifcations, whether by snail-mail, the homepage, email, twitter, in-person, or other social media, will be valued
Current services will still be valued. Continue with online card registration and fine payments. Enable reading lists and shared lists. Keep notifying users by mail, email, and phone number.
Keep making those catalogs easier and easier to use
Maintain your desire and push for better search engines that will search across your many subscription databases. Work toward getting that homepage configured for mobile access.
These things are working for libraries in the 2.0 world. Keep them. We are falling headlong into 3.0. Even as we do, the need for pre-internet and 2.0 services will continue for a very long time.
Shift Again: Libraries in the Near Future - I
From Karen Schneider's Meme Masquerading as Manifesto:
The user is the sun.
The user is the magic element that transforms librarianship from a gatekeeping trade to a services profession.
The user is not broken.
We'll also bear in mind Ranganathan's 5 Laws of Librarianship:
Books are for use.
Every reader his [or her] book.
Every book its reader.
Save the time of the User.
The library is a growing organism.
Of particular importance are the last two laws
Save the time of the User
The library is a growing organism
Shift Again! Libraries and the Near Future
Why? You don't usually do original content!
Because in 3 hours this past week, I received 5 items via my newsfeeds talking about the subjects we will cover. Libraryland needs to listen up, man up, and brace itself. We're hitting another watermark. And it's happening fast!
We'll be using the following links as well as other materials to explore this phenomenon.
Single purpose e-readers dead
Mobile Internet
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
2020-The Mobile Internet
Did You Know 4.0 video via Librarians Matter by Kathryn Greenhill on 9/15/09
Best Free Reference Sites!
Some that might be useful in my library:
Title: ePodunk (TM)URL: http://www.epodunk.com/
Detailed, easily browsable profiles of cities and counties across the U.S. are the specialty of ePodunk, which has grown to include data on airports, cemeteries, museums, and other institutions as well. Profiles include historical postcard images from the Making of America project and all imaginable statistics at the city and county level: income, educational level, economic, crime. Not only does the site link to useful municipal/county government and chamber of commerce sites, but it also displays or links to harder-to-find information like local media outlets, community organizations, political reports, historical weather information, support for libraries, a “gay index” based on the Gay and Lesbian Atlas, films shot in the area, and celebrity residents.
Title: FastWeb: Scholarships, Financial Aid, and CollegesURL: http://www.fastweb.monster.com/ Students fill out a detailed questionnaire about academic achievement, future plans, interests, and awards and then receive information on scholarships and internships for which they are eligible. The beauty of this site rests in its organizational features. Students can set up e-mail reminders about application due dates, mark favorites or delete entries from their lists, e-mail descriptions to friends, and add personal notes about a scholarship. The site also contains advice on test preparation, navigating the admissions process, and transitioning to college. FastWeb boasts that their database searches “1.3 million scholarships worth over $3 billion,” making this a valuable resource for busy students.
Genre Talk
Guest Op: The Case for Steampunk Romance via Dear Author: Romance Novel Reviews, Industry News, and Commentary by Guest Reviewer on 9/1/09
What is Steampunk?
Steampunk as a literary genre gained notice starting in the 1980s. A subgenre of science fiction and fantasy, it developed as a rebellious response to the science fiction that preceded it. Core elements of steampunk include:
Steam power
Alternate history settings (mostly Victorian/Edwardian era England)
SF/Fantasy elements
Devices that reflect the period but are ahead of their time (e.g., difference engines, airships, etc.)
In fact, the concept of inventions that debut far ahead of schedule represents one of the most fascinating aspects of the genre.
If you're old enough to remember the television show "The Wild, Wild West," think that, but funkier.
Social Networking, Blogging at work
Tuesday tech links via Library Bazaar by Fiacre on 9/1/09
By describing the practices of knowledge workers who blog, this research provides a view into the changing nature of work that becomes increasingly digital, nomadic and networked. It shows the power of individual knowledge workers, who bypass existing authorities and use their networks to stay informed and to get things done. It documents the blurred boundaries between what is personal and what is professional, as well as the growing need to know how to deal with transparency and fragmentation of one’s work.
Social Media Policies from 80+ Organizations via iLibrarian by Ellyssa on 9/21/09
Social Media Revolution via iLibrarian by Ellyssa on 9/21/09 (Video)
The Social Web, Information Overload, and Libraries via Librarian in Black Blog – Sarah Houghton-Jan by Sarah on 9/15/09 Includes connecting with customers online
Best Free Reference Websites
The Reference and User Services Association (from ALA) does it again. Worth perusing.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Genre Talk
Why we love those rotting, hungry, putrid zombies
Little Women and Werewolves? via RA for All by Becky on 10/2/09
Novelists take a break from fiction and are writing memoirs!
Historical Fiction
Cover Art Can Give Us Clues for the Reader And historical art seems to appeal mostly to the female reader! But does this writer include historical sea adventures and so forth in her observations? Or is that a separate genre?
Die, Gothic, Die via Romancing the Blog Romance Authors and Readers Who Blog by Special Guest on 9/6/09 Despite the title, this author is really asking if the Gothic really is dead or ready for a comeback.
What is a gothic? Gothic romances involve a heroine, usually in reduced circumstances, who is called to live in an isolated location - most generally a mansion or something. The atmosphere is moody. The hero is difficult to identify until near the end. Two possible heros are introduced. But who is the hero and who is dangerous? A crime or even murder is often part of the story. The resolution of this bad-news incident reveals the solution and who is the actual hero.
Women's Fiction
The Appeal "Women's Fiction is that catch-all term that covers fiction focused on the trials, tribulations, and triumphs of contemporary women. It's difficult to call it a genre, because the story can blend with so many other genres — there can be mystery or suspense elements, it can take place in a different era, it can be funny, or sad, or often both.
...when a reader picks up a Women's Fiction novel, what she is really looking for is a sense of recognition.
A New Nonfiction Genre? They Could Have Just Asked Us via The Reader's Advisor Online Blog by Sarah Statz Cords on 9/16/09. This genre is called "Annualism" It's where an author chooses to do something for a year. For example, work through Julia Child's cookbook.
Libraryland Roundup WIN!
Reader's Advisor Online
Thanked us for our citation!
"One more thing—great thanks to Libraryland Roundup for listing us as one of its five “Vital to Life As We Know It” RSS feeds"
Squeeee! We feel grown-up and important! Thanks RAOnline!
Friday, September 4, 2009
via trendwatching.com by newsletter@trendwatching.com on 8/30/09
What is transparency? Transparency has been described as “seamlessness.” An illustration of transparency would be in the links to Amazon and Professional Reviews found at the bottom of of a record in your catalog. Any title information, subject headings, and shared lists links are also transparent. The line between product presentation and reviews/other information is seamless.
Reviewing Revolution!
In libraries, we’ve known for some time that customers and potential customers usually go to friends and family first for information. Now this trend has moved to the internet
Some telling findings from the latest twice-yearly Nielsen Global Online Consumer Survey of over 25,000 online consumers from 50 countries:
"Recommendations by personal acquaintances and opinions posted by consumers online are the most trusted forms of advertising globally. The Nielsen survey shows that 90% of online consumers worldwide trust recommendations from people they know, while 70% trust consumer opinions posted online.
In other words, reviews are advertising. Librarians have used reviews for years to make selection decisions. Now the rest of the world is, too.
In short, businesses have to understand and accept that consumers’ decision making processes, which ultimately come down to whether they will buy from you or from someone else, have truly shifted to a new, powerful peer-to-peer arena.
This is important to libraries. Libraries have a reputation. Some of it is good. Some of it is bad. Reviews of our library are out there. Search Twitter for “library” or “central library” tweets within 5 miles of the building. These tweets are telling the story about what customer experience is. They are reviewing us.
If your library uses twitter for promotion, those will be obvious. You'll also find positive tweets about storytime and research success. There may also also negative tweets abbreviated hours and some of your library users - or staff. For a few days in June, one tweeter had a string of tweets about the library “hobos.” While the tweets were humorous, they are a review of the environment inside the building. And it wasn't good.
The reviewing trend will only get bigger.
While hundreds of millions of consumer reviews are already zipping around cyberspace, prepare for a deluge of truly biblical proportions. 1.6 billion consumers are now online, and the majority of them have been online for years. They're skilled bargain seekers and ‘best of the best’ hunters, they're avid online networkers, and they're opinionated reviewers and advisors.
And for future contributors and viewers, especially those that are born to the web, for whom contributing and sharing is a given, reviewing will be a way of life forever
Reviewers Are Rewarded
Applications...enable reviewers to have their reviews effortlessly appear on their Facebook, Digg or Delicious pages as well, while Netflix has hooked up with Facebook to allow users' reviews to be shared on their profile pages.
Members that post a review on Epinions are rewarded with so called Eroyalties credits, which are in turn are based on an ‘Income Share’ program...Reviewers then can redeem their Eroyalties credits in US dollars
Truth and Lies
Rewarding reviewers for their opinions? Libraries have known that the information customers get from friends, family, and the internet can be misinformed or biased. Trendwatching expects the Deluge-Effect to solve the problem:
The deluge in postings will also unmask, outnumber and thus neutralize fake reviews posted by malicious consumers or desperate brands. Which will lead to an even greater trust of recommendations and reviews. In the near future, consider the discussion on whether to trust reviews to be over
Everything Reviewed
Scale is one thing. Scope is another. No [Business to Customer] sector is immune to the review virus. Expect every industry, every sector, every product to eventually succumb to reviews.
Again, how is the library faring in these reviews? How do we know?
Real-Time Reviews
Consider Twitter and camera phones. Instantaneous reviews are part of the Deluge-Effect:
...as more people are contributing, the sheer mass of reviews will in effect lead to daily if not hourly reviews on any topic imaginable. Which means more timely and accurate information.
...as universal online access meets netbooks, laptops, and phones, virtually all equipped with (video) cameras and audio capture, we're already seeing an increase in on-the-spot reviews, from text to full-blown videos. Remember, someone going through an annoying or pleasant experience, but lacking online access, has to postpone his or her review, which often results to not posting at all
See the place on the internet map? See the review. Done deal
Right of Reply
So far, reviewing has been one-way. Customers review the product or service. Expect to see businesses and libraries respond to the review. How will the library prepare for this? Immediacy is important. How do we get our side of the story out there? How do we use reviews as an opportunity to turn the review on its head and promote a solution?
Quite a few brands still seem to believe that they’ve been granted an eternal ‘grace period’ when it comes to dealing with [reviews]. While brands are no longer unaware of reviews, they (to a large degree) still choose to listen, not talk back, trying to ‘learn’ from the for-all-to-see Review (R)Evolution. Which is surprising, to say the least, since a quick and honest reply or solution can defuse even the most damaging complaint.
You, the front-line employee can nip bad reviews in the bud:
May we humbly remind you that bad reviews are not the problem, but a symptom? Not listening to (dissatisfied) customers is often at the root of the problem. Consumers don’t post their bad experiences straightaway. Most will notify you or one of your colleagues first. It’s mismanagement of complaints and conflicts that invokes postings. Whether it’s someone at your helpdesk, someone in your stores, or an account manager; there’s virtually always an opportunity to settle an issue before it goes public. And if you really screw up, beat customers to the punch by being the first to report failures. Let customers know how you fix problems. Eventually, this will free up resources and energy to actively focus on enabling happy customers to post positive reviews. Now that's TRANSPARENCY TRIUMPH
… in a transparent world, for both brands and consumers, settling for anything that's sub-par becomes a choice, not an accident. And yet, it’s still early days for TRANSPARENCY TRIUMPH. Changes in behavior and in technology all point towards an even more transparent marketplace in the near future, which in turn is taking cues from a more transparent society.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
But Which RSS Newsfeeds Does Libraryland Roundup Recommend?
Of course, we humbly suggest
Libraryland Roundup
Here are a few we couldn't do without, with their rss URLs:
The Reader's Advisor Online Blog
Stephen's Lighthouse
Booklist Online - At Leisure with Joyce Saricks
Booklist Online - Read-alikes
Other Great Stuff
Gather No Dust
Library Journal - Collection Development
Library Journal - Genre Fiction
Library Journal - Public Services
MCLC Library Tech Talk
RA for All
WAMU: The Diane Rehm Show
Srsly, You Need to Use RSS, Newsreaders
The answer is a newsreader. No more trying to remember to visit a useful site! And newsreaders do not just carry rss from blogs! The Diane Rehm show on NPR has a newsfeed, CNN has a newsfeed, see USA Today bestseller lists as soon as they are published!
You can even see Libraryland Roundup posts as they go up.
It's easy to set up and easy to train yourself to check it daily, or at least frequently. Just think of it as email updates in a scanable format. You might want to consider making it as important as your email. There is some discussion on that.
But how oh how do you set this up? I'm going to show Google Reader only as it seems to have cornered the marketplace.
Here are some instructional pages
[PDF] Setting Up A Very Easy RSS Reader
How to Create a Google Account and Set Up Google Feed Reader ...
Caveat: With Google Reader you create an account. If you already have gmail you already have an account. This also gives you a gmail account. I would use your personal email to sign up. You'll probably find yourself falling into temptation and adding a few non-library feeds to read at home.
Here are some Youtube instructional videos as well.
Best Blogs for Library Students (and the rest of us)
via RA for All by Becky on 8/14/09
"...I found this great list of the 100 Best Blogs for Library School Students. After looking at it I thought it would be helpful to all fans of libraries and reading. Of particular note to readers of this blog, entries 74-86 which list, "Reading and Literature Blogs."
Dan Brown's Lost Symbol
click here for lists of readalikes
(for my co-workers: I will be working like crazy to make shared/community lists and also handouts asap)
Genre Talk
Mystery via Library Journal - Genre Fiction on 8/14/09"Using the past as a main ingredient in solving present-day crimes has increasingly become an important element in contemporary mysteries.
"Romance via Library Journal - Genre Fiction on 8/14/09"Paranormal Everywhere Paranormal romance is still enthralling readers. In addition to carving out discrete romance niches—vampire romance, shape-changer romance (werewolves, werecats, etc.), witch romance, and so on—magical and paranormal elements continue to seep into other romance subgenres with delightful, or alarming, regularity"
Still Page Turners 10 years Later via RA for All by Becky on 8/16/09"Click here to read Isabel Wilkinson's "Back to the 90s" article outlining nine page turners from the 1990s that are still holding strong."
Monday, August 10, 2009
Best Websites: The Tradition Continues
The list-making has stilled a bit in libraryland, but don't think it's over! We still need to be aware of both what's out there and what's not out there. PC Magazine is keeping up with the trends and using both blogs and open source to present the information. I'm impressed!
PC Magazine's Top 100 Websites of 2009 via Stephen's Lighthouse by stephen on 8/4/09
(When you get to the site, click on the slideshow for actual screenshots of the websites!)
You're Better at Reader's Advisory Than You Think!
At Leisure with Joyce Saricks: Taking On the Quiz Challenge.
via Booklist Online - At Leisure with Joyce Saricks on 8/10/09
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Dan Brown's Lost Symbol
Under the Radar: Getting Ready for Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol
via The Reader's Advisor Online Blog by Cindy Orr on 7/12/09
Robert L. D. Cooper - Cracking the Freemasons Code: The Truth About Solomon’s Key and the Brotherhood
DK Publishing - Signs and Symbols
Ian Gittins - The Secrets of the Lost Symbol: Unlocking the Masonic Code
Manly P. Hall - The Lost Keys of Freemasonry
Christopher Hodapp - Solomon’s Builders: Freemasons, Founding Fathers and the Secrets of Washington D.C.
Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas - The Hiram Key: Pharaohs, Freemasonry, and the Discovery of the Secret Scrolls of Jesus
Forrest McDonald - Novus Ordo Seclorum: The Intellectual Origins of the Constitution
Daniel Meyerson - In the Valley of the Kings: Howard Carter and the Mystery of King Tutankhamun’s Tomb
David Ovason - The Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital: The Masons and the Building of Washington, D.C.
Simon Singh - The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography
Yes, What DO You Do After They Outgrow YA Programming?
Serving Gen X and Gen Y via PLA Blog by Ericka Dow on 7/13/09
“What does adult services mean in your library? Are you reaching 20- and 30-somethings who don’t have children? What happens to well-served teen patrons when they become adults? They have created a connection with us and we need to work on keeping that connection”
Outreach ideas include moving book discussions to a more grown-up venue, old-school board game nights, home-buying seminars, and more.
August 2009 Catching-up is the new looking ahead via trendwatching.com by newsletter@trendwatching.com on 7/14/09
Paranormal Fiction - In Depth
ALA Report: Things That Go Bump in the Stacks Part 1- The Appeal of Paranormal Fiction
via RA for All by Becky on 7/14/09
A summary of the summary:
"Things That Go Bump in the Stacks: Whole Collection Readers' Advisory for Paranormal Fiction." Here is the link describing the program as well as all of the resources and handouts...This was a panel discussion with three popular paranormal authors, Charlie Huston, Charlaine Harris, and Marjorie Liu.
Paranormal fiction...blends contemporary fiction with an alternate paranormal world. It can appear in any genre, not just horror...In horror, traditionally, the paranormal characters are less sympathetic; they are the "bad guys," the biggest threat to the heroes. In today's paranormal fiction, the paranormal characters are not only sympathetic, they are quite often the heroes of the story themselves.
Before opening up the discussion to the authors, Hollands summed up the appeal of paranormal fiction very nicely with 11 key appeal points:
Paranormal fiction puts magic in the real world, and, as a result, it is an easy entry point to fantasy- There is a lot of genre crossover
- Specific or all paranormal creatures themselves are appealing to certain readers
- Many of these novels have strong female leads
- They tend to appeal to women and men
- They also appeal young adults
- They all have a contemporary setting and style
- These books have a lot of humor (even amidst some violence)
- There is a great deal of sexuality here
- Lots of fast paced action
- And most importantly, although these books have fantasy elements, they are all grounded in real world issues. The most common of which is the idea of diversity and tolerance of those who are different.
Paranormal Fiction
From Amish fiction to vampire lit, Christian fiction branches out in ways both tame and edgy
via PewForum.org All News Feeds on 7/14/09
ALA Report: Things That Go Bump in the Stacks Part 1- The Appeal of Paranormal Fiction
via RA for All by Becky on 7/14/09
You Sexy Beast: Our Fascination With Werewolves
via NPR Topics: Arts & Entertainment on 7/17/09
And the projected new blockbuster:

via RA for All by Becky on 7/18/09
“The runaway success of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (which I have written about here and here) has inspired the publishers to try again, this time with sea monsters.
As reported in Early Word, Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters is taking Jane Austen's text into a world where terrible monsters lurk in every lake and pond. Our heroes must find love and stop the monsters.
Not convinced that sea monsters are as compelling as zombies? Watch this video clip the publishers made and then try not to rush out and pre-order the book. I dare you.”
Books to film
Third Bridget Jones Movie in the Works—Zellweger to Reprise Role
Summer Sizzlers: See the Movie, Read the Book
A Woman in Berlin Gets Rave Reviews. Do You Have the Book?
Film of David Foster Wallace’s Hideous Men Coming in September
Nicole Kidman to Do Film Based On Chris Cleave’s Little Bee
Sarandon, Pacino, Goodman to Do HBO Special on Jack Kevorkian, Based on Book Between the Dying and the Dead
Is Harry Potter Losing His Fans to Twilight?
RA Run Down via The Reader's Advisor Online Blog by Cindy Orr on 7/19/09
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Don't Let this Happen To Your Collection!

This book was a fun browse. I found it accidentally and cracked up as this super cool detective guy in his super cool white socks collects evidence from the safe cracking crime. Question: when was the last time you heard about a safe cracker? I think this looks like the set of an Edward G. Robinson film.
Bulwer-Lytton Award Winner Announced
San Jose State University's Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest honors bad writing. This year's winner is 55-year-old David McKenzie of Federal Way, Wash., who beat out hundreds of entries from around the world for crafting the worst-written beginning to an imaginary novel.
Congratulations Mr. McKenzie!
Customer to Customer Outreach
RA Run Down via The Reader's Advisor Online Blog by Cindy Orr on 7/5/09
High Powered Lawyer and Homeless Men Forge a Bond Through Book ClubThis is a heartwarming story of a lawyer who stopped to chat with a homeless man every day until they came up with the idea of forming a book group.
And speaking of social networking...
Facebook Pages basics – a Screencast via David Lee King by davidleeking on 7/8/09
Women and Grown-Ups Rock Social Networking Sites
Women's Online Behavior and Social Media Habits via Stephen's Lighthouse by stephen on 7/10/09
Yes, some of this looks sexist but data is alleged to be accurate.
- The top activity for women online is shopping.
- The third most popular activity is social networking
- Half of all women log into social networks everyday. Two-thirds of under 30’s log-in daily, and 41% of 40+ log-in daily.
- When you get a bunch of women together, who most enjoy shopping online and talking, what exactly do they talk about? 62% of all women talk about products, and 71% of those with children ages 13 to 17 talk about products.
Facebook Variations via Stephen's Lighthouse by stephen on 7/10/09
College students Facebook use declines over the summer as many students are in diaspora. However, their parents' usage increases.
The number of Facebook users over 35 are gorwing a lot in the past 30 days.
The number of women over 55 on Facebook grew by 39% in the last month to over 2.5 million.
From iLibrarian:
Stan Schroeder at Mashable reports on the iStrategyLabs study of Facebook’s demographics in Facebook Users Are Getting Older. Much Older. According to their analysis, the social network’s userbase is shifting older, with growth in the 35-54 age range growing 190.2% between January and July of this year and users older than 55 years a whopping 513.7%.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
via trendwatching.com by newsletter@trendwatching.com on 6/11/09
While we're used to things changing and skipping, there is now a move toward what is called Foreverism.
"FOREVERISM Encompasses the many ways that consumers and businesses are embracing conversations, relationships, and products that are never done. Driving its popularity is technology that allows them to find, follow, interact and collaborate forever with anyone & anything."
Forever Findable, Followable
In snail-mail terms, this is like never having to see a "not at this address, return to sender" stamp ever again. Why? You'll be leaving snippets of yourself, your facebook, your twitter all over the internet and they are findable via Google, et. al.
Forever Conversing
"Sure, Twitter is ‘just’ the next evolution in personal communications, and something newer will steal hearts in the future (Google Wave, anyone?), but unlike other Next Big Things, its low barriers to entry and ease of use are enticing even the most luddite consumers, celebrities and brands to join in. The forced brevity of tweets has helped, too: it's easier to deal with a barrage of interactions if both sides are limited to a maximum of 140 characters."
Big Brands Join the Conversation
Right now it's just the twitter and facebook presence. Companies are dedicating departments to real-time interaction. How will your library's brand be included in this conversation?
"Now, not surprisingly, after years of one-way conversations, brands that finally open up (like the twitter examples above) will first have to deal with a steady flow of pent-up anger, complaints and frustration from customers who previously haven't had anywhere else to go.
But over time, when honest problem-solving (in combination with improved performance, of course) will lead to more balanced relationships, the focus will shift to cooperation if not co-creation. Including brands actively initiating conversations." How can the libary initiate conversation? Whose job would it be? How would it be supported? What priority would it be among the mission of the library?
Forever in Beta
"Think operating in a humble, transparent, unpolished, almost human-like FOREVER BETA mode, not just for one product, but for an entire organization. And we're not only talking about the usual suspects like software giants and web 2.0 icons, but traditional B2C brands too, be it in automotive or FMCG. " The library has been used to constant change since the Library at Alexandria. Policies, however, can be slow to change. Once again, it falls upon your library's mission. And not a little on funding and staffing.
"Feel FOREVERISM is too broad a topic to dig into? Then focus on a few specific projects. Like fine-tuning your Twitter strategy to really start the conversation with your customers. Or introducing one ‘beta’ product that you will keep improving with help of the crowds.
From there on, try to make FOREVERISM part of your thinking when it comes to client relationships. Assess which of your current offerings are primarily transient, while customers may prefer them to be more lasting. "
Books to Screen
via The Reader's Advisor Online Blog by Cindy Orr on 6/14/09
Eat, Pray, Love Will Star Julia Roberts and Javier Bardem
Shutter Island Trailer - book by Dennis Lehane, directed by Martin Scorsese, starring Leonardo diCaprio
Al Pacino to Star in the Movie of Malcolm Gladwell’s Blink
Lovely Bones Trailer - coming in December, directed by Peter Jackson
Catherine Hardwicke, Director of Twilight Will Do Maximum Ride Next—With the Twilight Stars
The never-ending question: What is a Beach Read?
"Erin Collazo Miller, the moderator of About.Com's Guide to Bestsellers does an admirable job of trying to define the term.
Here is an excerpt:
A good beach book is engaging and a quick enough read that you can finish most of it on the beach before your sunscreen wears off. A beach book isn't necessarily literature, but a beach book will entertain.After this definition, Ms. Miller goes on to provide lists of beach reads based on appeal. "
Book Shopping and Library "Shopping" Similarities
Not surprisingly, bookstores see many of the same types of customers we see. Fortunately, "Campers" are welcome at the library. And we really try to use nicer terms. Usually.
"Seekers – those looking for a specific book. These include students of all kinds and those who heard about a book (TV, radio, magazine, friend) and want THAT book.
Grazers – those who love book stores but don’t really ever plan to buy a book. They wander the aisles and just gaze at the shelves and displays, occasionally picking up a book to read the cover and then go back to wandering.
Browsers – those who don’t need a specific book, but are content to roam through the aisles of the genre or topic they are looking through, i.e. sci-fi, romance, self-help.
Campers – those who come into the book store, set up shop and stay there. This includes students who think the book store is their personal library, the homeless, tutors and others who set up their drinks, food and laptops and don’t move all day.
Idiots – those with little to no specific information about the book they are looking for. "I don't remember the name of the book or the author, but I think the cover is red. Do you have that one?"
Independents – those shoppers who would rather use a computer terminal than talk to a bookseller.
Time-sucks – people who come in and ask advice for books as gifts without an inkling of what works. Or, just ask general questions about books that don’t help the bookseller or the consumer do anything, except waste time."
The Never-Ending Lists of Beach Reads
Under the Radar: Fiction Beach Reads via The Reader's Advisor Online Blog by Sarah Statz Cords on 6/21/09
What is is with librarians, newspapers, and magazines and beach reads?
Social Networking and Generations in the Workplace
The Clash Of Ages: How Technology Divides Workers
via NPR Topics: Arts & Entertainment on 6/22/09
As we've heard before, tensions in the workplace are rising between the Boomers and the next generations about what is appropriate use of social networking on work time.
It's a sticky situation. Both sides have good points.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
New Search Engine Worth a Look
Bing via The Blah, Blah, Blah Blog by brad@neflin.org (Brad Ward) on 6/3/09
"See if this is same old, same old, or maybe it will work its way into the number two spot on your search engine list."
Weeding Scare of the Week!

Reach for the Moon
This book is still on the shelf in a public library! They inter-library loaned it to me. Will it go back on the shelf when I send it back?
Library Journal Updates Reviews!
RA Run Down via The Reader's Advisor Online Blog by Cindy Orr on 6/7/09
Library Journal Reviews Add “Verdicts”In response to requests from librarians that LJ reviews be aimed not only at selectors, but at the public as well, Library Journal has decided to drop the terminology they’ve used for decades in favor of something more user friendly. You’ve seen it for years: “recommended for larger collections,” etc. Instead, each reviewer will give their “verdict” on the book at the end of the review. Now LJ is asking for comments on the new format. Here is the example given by Beth Anderson of Ann Arbor District Library on the book The Idea of Love by Louise Dean: “Readers who devoured Elizabeth Strout’s Pulitzer Prize-winning Olive Kitteridge will feel right at home with Dean’s blindingly honest portrayal of characters so deeply flawed they practically need surgery.”
A Library's Worth
Nice Cincinnati Enquirer Article via Stephen's Lighthouse by stephen on 6/9/09
What libraries are worth to us by Kara Swisher
My favourite quotes:
"It is needlessly provocative and shamelessly antagonistic behavior to pit books against technology. No one should ever do this. They are both sources of information. They are entirely different species, never meant to compete with each other."
"In lean times and fat times alike, the public library is the one place where it's always OK to overindulge."
"This atmosphere is in no way accidental. Librarians are almost eerily aware of what goes on inside your head. They know your tastes better than you do, being trained to cut through your vague references to plot or author and put their hands on what you need."
Cool. And a great way for Cincinnati PL to promote their high growth in usage.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Have Your Cake and Read It, Too
