Monday, April 14, 2008

More futurecasting!

The Internet in 2020
via Stephen's Lighthouse by stephen on 4/13/08

In March 2007, Microsoft Research invited 45 leading researchers to discuss where HCI would be in 2020; a report summarizing their conclusions has now been made available.
Being Human: Human Computer Interaction in 2020
Ars Technica makes some comments too.

This would be a fun discussion piece. Some things sounds creepy now but will they be creepy then?

Food for thought - Gaming in Libraries

Gaming Question…
via Library Stuff by Steven on 4/13/08

This is a very good question. Have we seen that gaming in libraries is leading gamers to other library services? Are we simply providing games or have we built community? Has the community we have built with gaming become more inclusive or started to exclude?

I don't have the answer. I hope someone does investigate. We're bringing them in but are we serving them?

Historical Fiction Making A Comeback?


Under the Radar: Great Recent Historical Novels You May Have Missed
via The Reader's Advisor Online Blog by Cindy Orr on 4/13/08

So What in the World is Kathleen Reading- Historical Fiction
via Kathleen's Likes and Dislikes by kas823 on 4/13/08

Top 10 Historical Fiction: 2008.
via Booklist Online - Top 10 Lists on 4/14/08

At Leisure: Revisiting Historical Fiction.
via Booklist Online - At Leisure with Joyce Saricks on 4/14/08

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

First Werewolves, now Wereducks?

No, we are not ducks...

Year of the Wolf
via The Reader's Advisor Online Blog by Diana Tixier Herald on 3/26/08

'Sharp Teeth' Gives Werewolves an Epic Treatment
via NPR Topics: Authors on 3/22/08

via Smart Bitches, Trashy Books on 4/1/08

Traditional PLA Silliness!

PLA Pop Quiz
via PLA Blog by Michael May on 3/27/08

“I’ve never seen so many middle-aged white women in one place!”
via PLA Blog by Tony Ross on 3/28/08

More of what happened at PLA 2008

Great list of what went on - at least in the programs...

PLA 2008 Presentations

PLA 2008 and Lots More Reader's Advisory!

More stuff than I'll get around to reading for some time! So you go first and give us the comments, eh?

Reader's Advisory Toolkit
PLA Program Report - Readers Advisory Toolkit 3
and another view

Readers’ Advisory Tool Kit III: Market Driven Readers’ Advisory - Three More Skills to Increase Your Effectiveness as an RA Librarian
via PLA Blog by Rick Roche on 3/27/08

Wow! Wonder where they get time for all those classes:
PLA Program Report - Rx for RA
via The Reader's Advisor Online Blog by Cindy Orr on 3/29/08
This is one of a series of reports by attendees of the Public Library Association conference held in Minneapolis March 25-29, 2008.

Much needed focus on non-fiction reader's advisory:

When the Story is True: Practicing Nonfiction Readers’ Advisory
via PLA Blog by Rick Roche on 3/28/08

Looks like Michael May got quite the education. Rock on Mr. May:

Sweet to Super Hot
via PLA Blog by Michael May on 3/25/08

Romance in the library????

PLA Program Report - What’s Love Got to Do With It?
via The Reader's Advisor Online Blog by Cindy Orr on 3/30/08